The Lord has assembled a special faculty of highly qualified, Christ-focused musicians and artist-teachers at BJU. The faculty holds doctoral degrees from over a dozen different graduate schools and conservatories and are active performers, researchers, authors, and clinicians in their respective fields of specialization.
Department of Instrumental Studies
Bruce Cox, DMA, professor (dept head) - trumpet
Katie Bracewell, MM, adjunct instructor - violin & viola
Jose Carrion, MM, adjunct instructor - double bass
Deanna Gardner, MMEd, adjunct instructor - handbell ensemble
Isaac Greene, DMA, assistant professor - guitar
Brandon Ironside, DMA, associate professor - violin & viola
Paul Jantz, MA, adjunct instructor - trombone
Yuriy Leonovich, DMA, assistant professor - cello
Daniel Leedy, MM, adjunct instructor - low brass
Michael Moore, PhD, professor - orchestra (division chair)
Paul Overly, DM, professor - low brass
Mary AllyeB Purtle, BS, adjunct instructor - single & double reeds
Jeanette Schlimgen, MM, adjunct instructor - horn
Jonathan Simmons, DMA, adjunct instructor - cello
David Townsend, MM, assistant professor - percussion
Emily Waggoner, MM, associate professor - harp (division associate chair)
Esther Waite, DMA, professor - flute
Department of Keyboard Studies
Deanna Moore, DMA, professor (dept head)
Ruth Coleman, MA, adjunct instructor
Donna Crawford, MM, adjunct instructor
Christa Habegger, MM, adjunct collaborative pianist
Stephanie Huish, MM, adjunct instructor
Kristen Ironside, DMA, adjunct collaborative pianist
Dave Lehman, MM, adjunct instructor
Nathan MacAvoy, DMA, assistant professor
Ken Renfrow, PhD, professor
Lorri Turcios, EdD, associate professor
Department of Vocal Studies
Laura Brundage, MM, assistant professor (dept head)
Antje Martin, MM, adjunct instructor
Megan Stapleton, DMA, assistant professor
Department of Music Education
David Townsend, MM, assistant professor (dept head)
Pattye Casarow, DMA, professor
Andrew Huish, DMA, assistant professor
Michael Moore, PhD, professor (division chair)
Ken Renfrow, PhD, professor
Lorri Turcios, EdD, associate professor
Department of Church Music
Fred Coleman, DPasTh, professor (dept head)
Ruth Coleman, MA, adjunct instructor
Ken Renfrow, PhD, professor
Department of Music Theory and Technology
Seth Custer, PhD, professor (dept head)
Christopher Enloe, MM, assistant professor
Isaac Greene, DMA, assistant professor
Andrew Huish, DMA, assistant professor
Ken Renfrow, PhD, professor
Department of Music History and Literature
Paul Overly, DMus, professor (dept head)
Emily Waggoner, MM, associate professor (division associate chair)